

I daļa

Leksikas un stilistikas jautājumi. Valodas prasme

Vārda diahroniskais un areālais aspekts



Anna Frīdenberga

Vārdi zagt un zaglis senajos latviešu rakstu avotos

The Words zaglis and zaglis in the Early Latvian Written Sources


Anita Helviga

Mūsdienu latviešu terminogrāfijas raksturojums: vārdšķiriskais aspekts

Characterisation of Contemporary Latvian Terminography: The Part of Speech Aspect


Linda Lauze, Kristīne Mežapuķe

Literārās valodas un sarunvalodas attiecības: sociālo mediju piemērs

The Relationship Between Standard Language and Colloquial Speech: Case of Social Media


Evija Liparte

Par dažām vakcīnas pret Covid-19 apzīmēšanai lietotajām metaforām

On Some of the Metaphors Used to Brand the Covid-19 Vaccine


Daiga Straupeniece, Normunds Dzintars

Skolēnu rakstu valoda latviešu valodas un vēstures valsts pārbaudes darbos 2021. gadā Kurzemē

Pupils’ Written Language in the Latvian Language and History State Examinations in Kurzeme in 2021


Aleksejs Šņitņikovs, Jūlija Svitaja

Word, Text and Reading in the Digital Age

Vārds, teksts un lasīšana digitālajā laikmetā


Ilze Štrausa

No Abelardo līdz Azazello jeb kaķu vārdi ar sākumburtu A

From Abelardo to Azazello or Cat Names with the First Letter A


Viktorija Tataurova, Jekaterina Martinova

Distance, Remote, Virtual, Blended, Hybrid and Online Learning: Selecting the Proper Name for Modern Realia

Tālmācība, attālinātās, virtuālās, jauktās, hibrīdās un tiešsaistes mācības: piemērota nosaukuma izvēle mūsdienu reālijām



II daļa

Valoda un vide

Fonētikas, semantikas un gramatikas jautājumi

Vārda sinhroniskais un areālais aspekts


Ieva Auziņa

Par dažu bezpriedēkļa un priedēkļa verbu lietojumu ar adverbiem un prievārdu pār

About Some Unprefixed and Prefixed Verb Connections with Adverbs and the Preposition pār


Ina Druviete

Karš Ukrainā: migrācijas ietekme uz Latvijas valodas politiku

War in Ukraine: Impact of Migration on Language Policy in Latvia


Agute Klints, Madara Stāde, Lauma Pretkalniņa, Laura Rituma

Lingvistiskais eksperiments: marķētāju vienprātība latviešu valodas WordNet semantisko saišu veidošanā

Linguistic Experiment: Inter-Annotator Agreement in the Semantic Linking of Latvian WordNet


Sintija Ķauķīte

Pieturzīmes interneta forumos

Punctuation Marks in Internet Forums


Dite Liepa, Velga Polinska

Vietnes tulkojums vieglajā valodā: leksikas analīze

Translation of the Website in the Easy Language: Lexical Analysis


Anete Ozola

Ģenitīva prievārdu rekcijas īpatnības lībiskā dialekta Kurzemes izloksnēs

Genitive Preposition Government Peculiarities in Kurzeme Livonic Subdialects


Anete Ozola

Ģenitīva prievārdu rekcijas īpatnības lībiskā dialekta Kurzemes izloksnēs

Genitive Preposition Government Peculiarities in Kurzeme Livonic Subdialects


Anete Ozola

Ģenitīva prievārdu rekcijas īpatnības lībiskā dialekta Kurzemes izloksnēs

Genitive Preposition Government Peculiarities in Kurzeme Livonic Subdialects


Ieva Ozola

Vienojuma, pretstata un šķīruma saikļi Lejaskurzemes izloksnēs

Cumulative, Adversative, and Disjunctive Conjunctions in Subdialects of Lower Kurzeme


Guna Rābante-Buša

Partikulas kaut izrunas varianti

Pronunciation Variations of the Particle kaut


Ziņas par autoriem / About the Authors 




The 27th issue of the annual collection of articles of Liepāja University, “The Word: Aspects of Research”, has reached its readers. The collection offers an insight into the research and problems of various fields of linguistics, also addressing conceptual issues and focusing on today’s characteristic phenomena related to the development of technology and events in the world.

In the 1st part of the collection of articles, you can get acquainted with studies in the field of lexis and stylistics, both in the synchronic and diachronic aspects.

Anna Frīdenberga continues to study the history of lexis, examining the words zagt and zaglis in the early Latvian written sources. In the field of onomastics, Ilze Štrausa offers a study on cat names and describes the motivation behind the choice of cat names that begin with the letter A.

The problems of terminology and terminography are studied in two articles. In their joint article, Viktorija Tataurova and Jekaterina Martinova explore the names of different learning methods, their conceptual understanding and advantages and disadvantages from the students’ point of view. Anita Helviga focuses on the principles of creating term dictionaries and analyses the word class aspect in modern Latvian terminography.

In several articles, stylistic issues of the Latvian language are discussed. Evija Liparte has continued her research on the language of the Covid-19 pandemic in Latvian public space and writes about positive and negative connotation metaphors used to characterise vaccines against the virus. The joint article by Linda Lauze and Kristīne Mežapuķe analyses the attitudes between literary and colloquial language in Latvian social media.

Daiga Straupeniece and Normunds Dzintars focus on the language skills of the new generation – their joint article analyses the mistakes made by students in the centralised examinations in the Latvian language and history. The issue of language skills is closely related to reading habits, the change of which has been studied by Aleksejs Šņitņikovs and Jūlija Svitaja.

The articles of the 2nd part of the collection are devoted to topical issues of linguistics in the areal and synchronic aspects.

The interaction between language and environment is discussed in two articles. Ina Druviete has analysed how migration caused by the war in Ukraine affects the language policy in Latvia. In the joint article of Dita Liepa and Velga Polinska, the translation in easy language has been discussed in terms of vocabulary based on examples on the website Phonetics research is represented by Guna Rābante-Buša, who has described the pronunciation variants of the particle kaut, while semantics is represented by the joint paper of Agute Klints, Madara Stāde, Lauma Pretkalniņa and Laura Rituma, which is dedicated to a linguistic experiment in order to find out the inner-annotator agreement in the formation of semantic links. Grammatical issues have been discussed the most extensively. Areal research – peculiarities of the government of genitive prepositions in the Kurzeme Livonic subdialect (Anete Ozola) and coordinating conjunctions in Lower Kurzeme subdialects (Ieva Ozola). Synchronic studies – the use of some verbs with adverbs and the preposition pār (Ieva Auziņa) and the use of punctuation marks in internet forums (Sintija Ķauķīte). Articles of 13 authors or co-authors have been developed in the projects of the state research programme “Letonika – Fostering Latvian and European Society”, mostly in the project “Use and Development of Modern Latvian” (eight authors). The research of nine authors was carried out in other projects.

The collection of scientific articles, “The Word: Aspects of Research”, is included in the EBSCO database; information on the collection and published articles are available at the Latvian National Digital Library. All the articles have a DOI index.

May every reader discover something new in the wide field of aspects of the word research!


Linda Lauze, Sigita Ignatjeva,

Editor-in-Chief and Deputy Editor

of scientific articles’ collection

“The Word: Aspects of Research”





I daļa

Gramatika, leksika, stilistika

Vārda diahroniskais un areālais aspekts



Ieva Auziņa

Dažu konstrukciju bezpriedēkļa verbs + adverbs un priedēkļa verbs + adverbs lietojums latviešu valodā

About Usage of Some Latvian Constructions Involving Unprefixed Verb and Prefixed Verb and an Adverb


Anete Daina

Darbības vārdi varēt, drīkstēt un valodas ietekmējošā funkcija Latvijas Republikas Saeimas 2018. gada sēžu stenogrammās

Verbs varēt, drīkstēt and Conative Function of Language in the Corpus of the Saeima of the Republic of Latvia (2018)


Anna Frīdenberga

Vārdi zīme, zīmēt, zīmot senajos latviešu rakstu avotos

The Words zīme, zīmēt, zīmot in the Early Latvian Written Sources


Sigita Ignatjeva

Valoda Artura Heniņa vēsturiskajos romānos: teksta arhaizācija un stilizācija

Language in the Historical Novels by Arturs Heniņš: Archaization and Stylization of the Text


Dalia Jakaitė

Malda kaip žodis ir veiksmas Gražinos Cieškaitės, Skaistės Vilimaitės ir Lauros Sintijos Černiauskaitės poezijoje

Prayer as a Word and Action in the Poetry of Gražina Cieškaitė, Skaistė Vilimaitė and Laura Sintija Černiauskaitė


Ilga Jansone

Priekšvārdi Ilzenes muižā 1826. gada Vidzemes dvēseļu revīzijas materiālos

Forenames in Ilzene in Vidzeme Soul Revision Materials from 1826


Sintija Ķauķīte

Pieturzīmes emuāros

Punctuation Marks in Blogs


Evija Liparte

Par luksofora krāsu nosaukumu polisēmijas paplašināšanos Covid-19 pandēmijas laikā

Polysemantic Extensions of Names for Colours in Traffic Lights During the Covid-19 Pandemic


Ieva Ozola

Tagadnes pasīvo divdabju substantivēšanās: dialektālo vārdnīcu dotumi

Substantivization of Present Passive Participles: Data in Dialectal Dictionaries


Edita Puskunigytė

Eroso trauma Vitalijos Pilipauskaitės-Butkienės ir Tomo Petrulio poezijoje

The Trauma of Eros in the Poetry of Vitalija Pilipauskaitė-Butkienė and Tomas Petrulis

Erosa trauma Vitālijas Pilipauskaites-Butkienes un Toma Petruļa dzejā


Ilze Rudzāte

Latviešu valodas tautas celtniecības leksika Baltijas jūras piekrastē Latvijā un Lietuvā: reālijas jumts un tā daļu nosaukumi

Latvian Folk Construction Vocabulary at the Baltic Sea Coast in Latvia and Lithuania: Designations of the Object Roof and its Parts


Daiga Straupeniece

Substantīvu piedēkļu -el- un -ēn- lietojums Būtiņģes un Sventājas latviešu valodā

The Use of Substantives’ Suffixes -el- and -ēn- in the Latvian Language of Būtingė and Šventoji


Ilze Štrausa

Dzīvnieku sugu nosaukumi kaķu vārdos

Names of Animal Species in Cat Names


Agris Timuška

Leksēma tēvs Eiropas valodu izloksnēs: ģeolingvistisks pārskats

Lexeme Father in Dialects of European Languages: A Geolinguistic Survey


Domantė Vaišvylaitė

Mitai Algirdo Landsbgerio poezijoje

Myths in Algirdas Landsbergis’ Poetry


Rasuolė Vladarskienė

Spalvų reikšmės lietuvių administracinėje kalboje

Meanings of Colours in Lithuanian Administrative Language

Krāsu nozīmes lietuviešu administratīvajā valodā



II daļa

Valoda un vide, terminoloģija, tulkošanas jautājumi

Vārda sinhroniskais aspekts


Agita Baltgalve

Jēdziens sjao sji 消息 (samazināšanās un pieaugšana) ķīniešu klasiskajā filozofijā un tradicionālajā literatūrā

The Concept of xiao xi 消息 (Decrease and Increase) in Chinese Classical Philosophy and Traditional Literature


Ina Druviete

Lingvistiskās attieksmes izpausmes ārkārtējās epidemioloģiskās situācijas apstākļos (2020–2022)

Latvian Language Attitudes During the Extraordinary Epidemic Situation (2020–2022)


Agnese Dubova

Rekurence kā teksta saistījuma līdzeklis latviešu zinātniskajos rakstos

Recurrence as a Cohesive Device in Scientific Articles in Latvian


Jūlija Gabranova

Poļu izcelsmes vārdi Latvijas baltkrievu presē 20. gs. sākumā

Words of Polish Origin in the Latvian Belarusian Press at the Beginning of the 20th Century


Anita Helviga, Diāna Laiveniece

Galvenie problēmjautājumi projekta pētījuma „Izglītības terminu skaidrojošā tiešsaistes vārdnīca” īstenošanas sākumposmā

The Main Problematic Issues in the Early Stages of Implementing the Project Research “Explanatory Online Dictionary of Educational Terms”


Aiga Jansone

Neapstrādāta mašīntulkojuma izmantošana

Use of Raw Machine Translation


Diāna Laiveniece

Zinātniskā raksta nobeiguma daļa: saturs, struktūra, valoda

Conclusion Part of the Scientific Article: Content, Structure, Language


Dzintra Lele-Rozentāle

Konektoru lietojums latviešu zinātniskajos rakstos

Use of Connectors in Latvian Scientific Articles


Inta Līsmane, Ilze Ruža

Komunikācijas barjeru pārvarēšana mūsdienu studiju procesā

Overcoming Communication Barriers in the Modern Study Process


Александра Ляучук

Mодели перевода фразеологизмов: аспекты дефицита

Models for Translation of Idioms: Aspects of Deficit

Frazeoloģismu tulkošanas modeļi: deficīta aspekti


Valda Rudziša

Kultūras elementu atšķirības dažādās tiesību sistēmās un ar tām saistītās tulkošanas problēmas

Differences Between Cultural Elements in Different Legal Systems and Related Translation Problems


Jānis Sīlis

Tradicionālie pētījumu virzieni Latvijas tulkojumzinātnē (2015–2020)

Traditional Directions in Latvian Translation Studies (2015–2020)


Viktorija Tataurova, Diāna Ivanova

The Role of Youtube in the Development of the Linguistic Competence of the Students

Youtube loma studentu valodas kompetences attīstībā


Ziņas par autoriem / About the Authors 




For the 26th time already, everybody interested in words both in contemporary language and from a historical perspective can acquaint themselves with the annual issue of Liepāja University scientific articles’ collection “The Word: Aspects of Research”. The authors of the articles are teachers from multiple Latvian higher education institutions, employees of other scientific institutions, and researchers from Lithuania. The issue is divided into two parts according to the aspects of research. The articles are written in Latvian, Lithuanian, English, and Russian.

In Part I, readers will find research in diachronic and areal linguistics.

In several articles, a common trait can be observed: contacts of languages and the comparison of different dialects and subdialects have been researched diachronically, establishing similarities and differences. Ilga Jansone has investigated the traces of contacts of Latvian and Southern Estonian languages in the article on forenames registered in Ilzene manor in 1826. Ilze Rudzāte provides a view into Latvian folk construction vocabulary, the names of the building’s roof and its parts in the lexis of three Latvian communities, Latvians of Kurzeme, Latvians of Palanga or on the border with Lithuania, and Latvians of Curonian split or Kursenieki. Daiga Straupeniece’s article is also dedicated to the Latvian language on the Lithuanian border; it deals with the dynamics of some word-formation suffixes in the Latvian language of Būtingė and Šventoji, noticing the common traits with Lower Kurzeme subdialects and emphasising the features and quantitative indicators which are different. Ieva Ozola has studied similarities and differences in the substantivization of present passive participles in two Latvian dialects. The dictionary of Vainiži subdialect (Vidzeme Livonian subdialect) and the dictionary of Nīca subdialect (a Curonian subdialect of the Middle dialect) have been used. The article by Agris Timuška provides a geolinguistic survey on the initial motivation and dialectal variants of the lexeme tēvs by using the maps and commentaries of Atlas Linguarum Europae.

The fields of history of lexis and semantics are covered in Anna Frīdenberga’s research on the semantic diversity of the word zīme and its derivatives in the 16th and 17th-century Latvian written sources.

Synchronic studies of Part I investigate issues related to lexis and semantics. Anete Daina’s research examines Latvian modal verbs varēt and drīkstēt and their ability to perform the conative function of language. Evija Liparte has studied the names for colours in traffic lights (red, yellow, green) which during the COVID-19 pandemic have acquired several new secondary meanings not contained in general dictionaries. Lithuanian linguist Rasuolė Vladarskienė deals with a similar issue. In her article, we can look into the color labels used in figurative meaning in the Lithuanian administrative language and established there under the influence of other languages.

Several authors have researched the use of the word in poetry and novels. The topics are diverse and largely different: prayer as a poetic manifestation of word and action in the works of three contemporary Lithuanian poets (Dalia Jakaitė), the link between eros and trauma characteristic to contemporary Lithuanian poetry (Edita Puskunigytė), mythological characters in the poetry of Algirdas Landsbergis (Domantė Vaišvilaitė), archaisms in the prose language of Arturs Heniņš (Sigita Ignatjeva).

Ilze Štrausa has continued to study the motivation for choosing cat names in the socio-onomastic aspect by analysing the cat names derived from names of different animal species. There are various reasons for such a choice, but Latvians’ close relationship with nature is undeniable.

Lexis and grammar come into contact in Ieva Auziņa’s study on the usage and interaction of some Latvian constructions involving unprefixed verb or prefixed verb and an adverb and the lexical meanings of the verbs and adverbs in such constructions.

Sintija Ķauķīte’s study examines the use of punctuation marks in blogs by Latvian authors.

Part II of the collection contains articles about synchronic research on various current issues in linguistics.

The most attention has been paid to the interaction between language and environment, and several areas have been studied. In sociolinguistics, Ina Druviete has investigated one of the keystones of linguistic situation, language attitudes, during the extraordinary epidemic situation. Scientific language is essential in the academic environment, and it has been examined from the text-formation perspective by characterizing recurrence (Agnese Dubova), use of connectors (Dzintra Lele-Rozentāle) and the conclusion part of the scientific article (Diāna Laiveniece). Some authors have dealt with other languages. Agita Baltgalve provides an immersion into the understanding of the concept of sjao si in Chinese, and Jūlija Gabranova studies language contacts, particularly words of Polish origin in the Latvian Belarusian press. The issues of language acquisition have been discussed in two articles by accentuating overcoming the communication barriers (Inta Līsmane, Ilze Ruža) and the development of linguistic competence through using Youtube (Viktorija Tataurova, Diāna Ivanova).

In this collection, the article by Anita Helviga un Diāna Laiveniece represents the area of terminology. The article deals with the problematic issues that had arisen in the early stages of developing an explanatory online dictionary of educational terms.

Several articles are devoted to the issues in translation. Jānis Sīlis provides an overview of traditional directions in Latvian translation studies (2015–2020). Aiga Jansone characterises the use of raw machine translation, and Aleksandra Ļaučuka examines the models for idiom translation. In the article by Valda Rudziša, translational problems related to cultural elements in different legal systems have been investigated.

The collection of scientific articles, “The Word: Aspects of Research”, is included in the EBSCO database; information on the collection and published articles are available at the Latvian National Digital Library. All the articles have a DOI index.

Wishing a valuable immersion into the topics of linguistics,


Linda Lauze,


Gunta Smiltniece,

Deputy Editor

of scientific articles’ collection

“The Word: Aspects of Research”




I daļa

Gramatika, leksika, stilistika

Vārda diahroniskais un areālais aspekts



Māris Baltiņš

Latvian Literary Society and Collection of Neologisms and Less Known Words (1874) of Teacher Pēteris Zēvalds 


Brigita Bušmane

Insight Into the Names of Porridge Attested in Regional Subdialects

of Latvian 


Anete Daina

Numerals in Ērģeme Subdialect and its Surroundings 


Аgnese Dubova

Die Textbausteine der Einleitung des wissenschaftlichen Artikels und deren Formulierungen 


Anna Frīdenberga

Word-Formation Nest with the Basic Word gādāt in the Early Latvian Written Sources 


Iveta Kopankina, Artūrs Viļums

Deictic, Prospective and Retrospective Constructions in the Latvian Language of Science 


Karīna Krieviņa

Personal Names on Tombstones Inscriptions of the Verbeļi Cemetery in Nīca Municipality 


Sintija Ķauķīte

Punctuation Marks in Early Written Latvian Texts 


Dite Liepa, Kristīne Mežapuķe

Overview of TV Journalists’ Language Usage (2019–2020) 


Evija Liparte

Mājsēde, skorbuļēra, tišmājis, sejauts und andere: Einblick in die Substantivkomposita des Jahres 2020 


Ilga Migla

Einige Ethnonyme in den Phraseologismen der lettischen Sprache 


Ieva Ozola

Geschrieben in Mundart: Texte der niederkurländischen Mundarten 


Anna Stafecka

The no-Stems of Verbs in Latvian Dialects 


Ilze Štrausa

Insight into the Motivation of Choosing Cat Names 


Agris Timuška

Apple of Paradise and Its Cognates in Dialects of European Languages: A Geolinguistic Survey 


Jānis Valdmanis

Laimdots Ceplītis – an Important Personality in Latvian Linguistics 


Daira Vēvere

The Parallels of the Linguistic Features in the Curonian and Tamian Subdialects 


II daļa

Vārda sinhroniskais aspekts


Līga Beļicka, Ruta Svētiņa

Use of Online Lexicographic Tools for the Promotion of Academic Skills in the Course of English for Specific Purposes


Olga Billere

Proverbs and Sayings: Differences and Similarities 


Baiba Egle

The Case of the Rucava Brioche: Aspects of Interpreting and Written Text Production


Eglė Gabrėnaitė, Domantė Vaišvylaitė

Pandemijos retorika: argumentavimo strategijos socialinio tinklo „Facebook“ komentaruose


Linda Gaile

Die Bedeutung der Redekorpora in der Erforschung der zielsprachlichen Verdolmetschung

The Importance of the Speech Corpus in the Research of Simultaneous Interpreting in the Target Language 


Andrejs Gorbunovs

Children Rights Discourse in United Kingdom 



Sigita Ignatjeva

Scientific Language in Joycean Studies 


Nedas Jurgaitis

Zur Entstehung und Entwicklung des begriffes „Konzept“ in der kognitiven Semantik

Origins and Evolution of the Notion “Concept” in Cognitive Semantics 


Inga Kaija, Daiva Puškorjute-Riduliene

Verbs būt and būti in Acquisition of the Second Baltic Language 


Regīna Kvašīte, Kazimiers Župerka

Names of Villagers in the Lithuanian and Latvian Languages 


Diāna Laiveniece

First Sentence: The Announcement of a Scientific Article 


Dzintra Lele-Rozentāle, Baiba Egle

Globalisierung, regionale Spezifik und Sprachengebrauch in wissenschaftlichen Artikeln 


Diāna Liepa

Foreign Language Studies: In Search of a Common Approach 


Nijolė Litevkienė

Anatomical Terms in Jurgis Žilinskas’ Short Textbook of Osteology and Syndesmology 


Olena Materynska

Anthropozentrische Darstellung und Rezeption des Krieges im Deutschen und Ukrainischen 


Līga Romāne-Kalniņa

The Linguistic Profile of the Speeches of the President of Latvia Egils Levits: Ceremonial, Judicial, or Political Rhetoric? 



Dzintra Šulce, Dana Tihomirova

Quotes in Scientific Texts and Comments Related to Their Use 


Ziņas par autoriem / About the Authors 




In the 25th issue of scientific articles’ collection of Liepāja University, “The Word: Aspects of Research”, the tradition established is continued thematically – to analyse the word from different viewpoints in various fields of linguistics. The articles’ authors are teachers from multiple Latvian higher education institutions and employees of other scientific institutions and researchers from Lithuania and Ukraine. The issue is divided into two parts according to the aspects of research. The articles are in Latvian, Lithuanian, English, and German.

In Part I, readers will find research in diachronic and areal linguistics.

Several articles are dedicated to morphology and phonetics of subdialects. The subjects and sources researched vary: use of numerals in one, Ērģeme, subdialect has been researched (Anete Daina) as well as parallels of phonetic and morphological features of a group of subdialects, Curonian and Tamian subdialects (Daira Vēvere), specifics of the use of one morphological form (the no-stems of verbs) in different dialects and subdialects in the Latvian language (Anna Stafecka).

In the field of lexis and semantics, Brigita Bušmane’s research on food names covers a wide area and gives a view into the names of porridge in Latvian subdialects. Also, Agris Timuška’s geolinguistic research on the name of tomato in European languages is of wide geographical scope.

Some articles continue the topic of Southern Kurzeme (Lejaskurzeme) characteristic to researchers from Liepāja. Ieva Ozola investigates how the features of Southern Kurzeme subdialects manifest themselves in the literary and journalism texts written in the second half of the 20th century and the 21st century. In Karīna Krieviņa’s research on personal names in Verbeļi cemetery (Nīca municipality), sociolinguistic and onomastic viewpoints have been merged.

Phraseological units have been investigated as part of the history of lexis (Ilga Migla), as well as derivatives with the basic word gādāt in the early Latvian written sources (Anna Frīdenberga). Sintija Ķauķīte has focused on the research of the use of punctuation marks in the early written Latvian texts.

In diachronic research articles, the readers can become acquainted with two linguists’ historical contributions to Latvian linguistics. Māris Baltiņš provides a view into work of Pēteris Zēvalds (Peter Seewald), a teacher and language researcher of the 19th century; the article by Jānis Valdmanis is dedicated to Laimdots Ceplītis, a significant personality in Latvian linguistics in the second half of the 20th century.

In research of contemporary language, mainly the topics related to lexis have been examined. Dite Liepa and Kristīne Mežapuķe have analysed the use of language by TV journalists qualitatively, emphasising the lexical and stylistic errors and suggesting ways to avoid them. Evija Liparte has researched the language of internet portals and discovered many neologisms (compound nouns) created during the Covid-19 pandemic and semantically reflecting facts and processes of the time. The article interestingly reveals people’s creativity in word-formation. Ilze Štrausa’s article deals with the motivating factors for choosing cats’ names nowadays in socio-onomastic aspects.

Several linguists have turned to the structure of the language of science: Agnese Dubova has analysed structure elements in introductions of scientific articles, Iveta Kopankina and Artūrs Viļums have examined and evaluated the elements of text-formation which express the dimensions of place and time in Latvian scientific articles.

Part II consists of articles analysing important issues in contemporary linguistics synchronically within three thematic circles. Language and environment research is the most widely represented. Several articles are dedicated to characteristics of the language of science – in text-formation aspect (Diāna Laiveniece; Dzintra Šulce, Dana Tihomirova), examining the choice of languages (Dzintra Lele-Rozentāle, Baiba Egle) and language use in Joycean studies (Sigita Ignatjeva).

The issues of grammar and semantics are reviewed in comparison of Latvian verb būt and Lithuanian verb būti because the differences in their meanings are significant in the acquisition of the Baltic languages (Inga Kaija, Daiva Puškoriutė-Ridulienė). Theoretical and practical opportunities for improvement in foreign language studies have also been researched (Līga Beļicka, Ruta Svētiņa; Diāna Liepa). The pandemic rhetoric and the state president’s rhetoric have been studied (Eglė Gabrėnaitė, Domantė Vaišvylaitė; Līga Romāne-Kalniņa) and the discourse of children’s rights has been described (Andrejs Gorbunovs). Regina Kvašytė and Kazimieras Župerka have compared villagers’ names in Lithuanian and Latvian languages; Olga Billere has analysed the similarities and differences in proverbs and sayings.

Two authors have discussed the issues in translation (Baiba Egle; Linda Gaile), and another two have examined the terminology problems (Nedas Jurgaitis; Nijolė Litevkienė).

The collection of scientific articles, “The Word: Aspects of Research”, is included in the EBSCO database; information on the collection and the articles published are available at the Latvian National Digital Library. All the articles have a DOI index.

Wishing an engaging reading and a valuable immersion in linguistic issues,


Gunta Smiltniece, Linda Lauze,


of scientific articles’ collection

“The Word: Aspects of Research”



I daļa

Fonētika, gramatika, leksika, stilistika

Vārda diahroniskais un areālais aspekts


Brigita Bušmane

Dravanta, svilpene, circeņu zupa un citi putru resp. zupu nosaukumi latviešu valodas izloksnēs 
Dravanta, svilpene, circeņu zupa and other Names of Porridge resp. Soup in Regional Sub-dialects of Latvia

Anna Frīdenberga

Pēda, pēdējs un pēdīgs 16. un 17. gadsimta rakstu avotos
Pēda, pēdējs and pēdīgs in the Written Sources of the 16th and 17th Centuries

Daiki Horiguči

Aizgūto pamatverbu un prefiksverbu lietojuma skaitliskās attiecības
Quantitative Relations of the Use of Loaned Base-verbs and Prefixed Verbs

Ilga Jansone

Silvijas Raģes (1928.2.XI–1976.20.VII) devums latviešu valodniecībā
Contribution of Silvija Raģe (1928.2.XI1976.20.VII) to Latvian Linguistics 

Agita Kazakeviča

Divdabis un palīgteikums jeb plašākas konstrukcijas ar divdabi mūsdienu tekstos
Participle and Subordinate Clause or Extended Detached Participle Constructions in Contemporary Texts

Iveta Kopankina

Vadībzinātnes jomas zinātnisko tekstu ievaddaļu makrostruktūras un mikrostruktūras sākotnējās izpētes rezutāti
Results of the Pilot Study of Macro- and Microstructures in the Introductory Parts of Scientific Texts in Management Science 

Justīne Kuzņecova

Leksēmas krāpt, krāpnieks un to sinonīmi latviešu tautasdziesmās
Lexemes krāpt ‘to cheat’, krāpnieks ‘cheater’and Their Synonyms in Latvian Folksongs

Sintija Ķauķīte

Abreviatūras publicistikā un interneta portālos
Abbreviations in Mass Media Texts and Internet Portals 

Kristīne Levāne-Petrova

Ciešamās kārtas tagadnes divdabju funkcionālā daudznozīmība
The Present Passive Participle and Its Different Functions in Latvian

Liene Markus-Narvila

Ā-celma verbu vienskaitļa un daudzskaitļa 2. personas refleksīvās formas galotne: LVDA materiāli
Die Endung der Reflexivform des Verbes mit ā-Stamm in der 2. Person Singular und Plural: das Material des LVDA 

Rafael Martin Calvo

Morphological Typology of Affixed Evaluative Forms in Spanish and Latvian
Afiksēto evaluatīvo atvasinājumu morfoloģiska tipoloģija spāņu un latviešu valodā 

Bronius Maskuliūnas

Senųjų lietuviškų tekstų leksikos semantika: liežuvis ir kalba
The Vocabulary of Old Lithuanian Texts: the Nouns liežuvis ‘tongue’ and kalba ‘language’ 

Ieva Ozola

Lejaskurzemes izlokšņu aprakstos neminētie: daļēji lokāmie divdabji
Die in den beschreibungen der Niederkurländische Mundarten nicht Erwähnten, Teilweise Deklinierbaren Partizipien 

Sanda Rapa

Vietvārda mūžs
Curriculum Vitae of Place Name 

Anitra Roze

Jaunvārdu atlases kritēriji „Mūsdienu latviešu valodas vārdnīcā”
Criteria for Selecting Neologisms to Include in the „Modern Latvian Dictionary” 

Anna Stafecka

Dažas verba formu paralēles Latgalē un Lejaskurzemē
Some Parallel Verb Forms in Latgale and Lower Kurzeme 

Daiga Straupeniece

Lingvistiskās īpatnības Būtiņģes un Sventājas teicējas XX gadsimta 60. gadu vēstulēs
Linguistic Features in the 1960s Letters of Informant from Butinge and Šventoji  

Agris Timuška

Daži dialektāli graudkopības termini: ģeolingvistisks pārskats
Some Dialectal Grain Farming Terms: a Geolinguistic Survey  

Anta Trumpa

Daži īpatnēji negatīvu īpašību apzīmējumi Jaunās Derības latviešu tulkojumā (1685)
Some Specific Denotations of Negative Qualities in the 1685 Latvian Translation of the New Testament

Edita Valiuliene

The Metaphoric Use of the English cool and its Cultural Background
Metaforiskais cool lietojums angļu valodā un tā kultūrkonteksts 

 Daira Vēvere

Patskaņu un divskaņu zuduma un ar to saistīto fonētisko pārveidojumu noturīgums dziļajās tāmnieku izloksnēs
The Stability of the Loss of Monophthongs and Diphthongs and Related Phonetic Changes in the Deep Tamian Subdialects 

II daļa

Valoda un vide
Tulkošanas jautājumi

Vineta Apse
Monta Farneste

Problems in Tertiary Level Essays
Problēmas augstskolas līmeņa esejās 

Ilze Auziņa
Kristīne Levāne-Petrova
Roberts Darģis

Latviešu valodas apguvēju kļūdu analīze: pareizrakstības kļūdas
Analysis of the Latvian Language Errors: Spelling Errors  

Agata Babina

Verba būt lietojums spāņu un latviešu valodā lingvodidaktiskiem mērķiem
The Use of the Verb to be in Spanish and Latvian Languages for Linguodidactic Purposes 

Agita Baltgalve

Vārds kā simbols ķīniešu „Pārmaiņu grāmatā”
Word as a Symbol in Chinese "Book of Changes” 

Karolina Butkuvienė

Identity Construction through Linguistic Means: Case studies of Young Adult Fiction
Zur Bedeutung der Sprachmittel bei der Identitätsfindung: Untersuchung der Jugendliteratur 

Aina Būdvytytė
Silvija Papaurėlytė-Klovienė

Tėvas kaip pasaulio kategorizacijos atskaitos taškas lietuvių ir
vokiečių kalbų pasaulėvaizdžiuose

The Father as a Reference Point of the World Categorization in the Worldviews of the Lituanian and German Languages 

Agnese Dubova

Sekundāro zinātnisko tekstu atlase un to makrostruktūras izpēte
Wahl der sekundären wissensschaftlichen Texte und deren makrostrukturelle Erforschung 

Andrejs Gorbunovs

Bērnu tiesību valodas vēsturiskā attīstība Latvijas teritorijā:
bērnu tiesību valodas salīdzinājums Vietējo civillikumu kopojumā un Civillikumā

Historical Development of Children’s Rights Language in Latvia: Comparison of Children’s Rights Language in Local Civil Code and Civil Law 

Ingars Gusāns
Mūzikas kluba „Melnā piektdiena“ afišas intervietnē
Music club᾽s "Melnā piektdiena" Posters in 

Anita Helviga

Vārda episks nozīmes transformācija mūsdienu latviešu valodā
Meaning Transformation of the Word episks in the Contemporary Latvian Language 

Larisa Iļjinska 
Oksana Ivanova

Pragmatic Adaptation within Cognitive Approach to Translation of Popular Science Texts
Pragmatiskā adaptācija kognitīvajā pieejā populārzinātnisko tekstu tulkošanai

Oksana Ivanova

LSP Text Translation Teaching: Communicative Competence
VSM teksta tulkošanas mācīšana: komunikatīvā kompetence

Inga Kaija

Pretējā virziena valodas apguvēju tekstu analīze valodas apguvē
Analysis of Opposite Direction Learner Texts in Language Acquisition

Игopь Kopoлeв

Moдycная opганизация дискурсивных практик национального кооперативного коммуникативного поведения украинцев, русских, литовцев и американцев (США)
Mode-organization of Discursive Practices of the National Cooperative Communicative Behaviour of Ukrainians, Russians, Lithuanians, and Americans (USA)

Nijolė Litevkienė
Jeļena Korosteļova

Evolution of Lithuanian Anatomical Terominology: Anatomical Terms in Kazimieras Kuzavinis’ Dictionary Lotynų-Lietuvių kalbų žodynas
Lietuviešu anatomijas terminu attīstība: anatomijas termini Kazimiera Kuzaviņa Latīņu-lietuviešu valodas vārdnīcā 

Vineta Poriņa

Kritiskā incidenta metode Latvijas sabiedrības divvalodības pētniecībā 
The Critical Incident Technique in the Research into Bilingualism in Latvia’s Society

Valda Rudziša
Silga Sviķe
Solvita Štekerhofa

Juridisko pamatterminu glosārijs līgumtiesībās Latvijā izdoto nozarvārdnīcu kontekstā
Glossary of Contract Law Terms in the Context of Term Glossaries Issued in Latvia

Jānis Sīlis

Intertekstualitāte kanoniska oriģināldarba interpretācijā netradicionālā angļu avottekstā un tā latviešu tulkojumā
Intertextuality in an Untraditional English Source Text Based on an Interpretation of a Canonic Original Text and a Latvian Translation of the Source Text 

Haтaлия Cтeфaнoвa

Meтодическая процедура приминения сопоставительно-параметрического метода для анализа сем оценочно-маркированных слов англ. good / укр. добрий-добро 
Methodological Procedure of Applying the Comparative-Parametric Method for the Analysis of Semes of Evaluative Marked Words En. good/Ukr. добрий-дoбро  

Solveiga Sušinskienė

Nominalizations as Cohesive Devices in Mass Media Texts
Nominalizācijas kā sakarīguma paņēmieni plašsaziņas līdzekļu tekstos 

Silga Sviķe
Arturs Stalažs

Jaunās botāniskās vārdnīcas” mikrostruktūra: tradicionālais, mainīgais, inovatīvais
Microstructure of the New Dictionary of Botanical Terms: Traditional, Variable and Innovative Aspects 

Ilze Štrausa

Kāpēc tevi tā sauc?
Why is That Your Name? 

Daiva Šveikauskienė
Arūnas Ribikauskas
Vytautas Šveikauskas

Lietuvių kalbos žodžių kompiuterinis kodavimas
Computerkodierung der Wörter von litauischen Sprache